My name is Jordan Crowder…it is nice to meet you!
Here is a little about me…

Let’s skip past the first 39 years of my life, to 2019. After hitting rock bottom and being rushed to the emergency room with severe organ failure, a Near-Death-Experience dramatically changed my life for good.

I looked into the mirror and for the first time in my life, I knew the person staring back at me, wasn’t me. Or at least, wasn’t all of me.

This confusing realization led me on a journey for answers to ‘What am I?’…and the follow up questions ‘Where am I?’ and ‘Why am I?’.

My search led me down many insidious paths and culminated in a tortuous dark-night-of-the-soul period where I was beginning to lose hope.

Simultaneously, my body was in bad shape and I needed to find some miraculous healing…as the clock was ticking fast.

My blood pressure was dangerously high, to the point my doctor was worried about me dropping dead in her office. She urged me to try meditation since none of the meds were having any effect.

At this point I was too high strung to meditate so I started searching for alternative meditation methods…hoping for something, anything that might work for me.

And this is when my life suddenly changed!

I came across something called Hemi-Sync. This is a specific sound technology invented by the amazing Robert Monroe.

In a paper I was reading, they put a lifelong Tibetan Monk and an ordinary person using Hemi-Sync into an fMRI bed and tested their brainwaves in a meditative state.

The Monk was astounded and exclaimed that what takes a trained monk decades of ritual practice to acheive, they can acheive in minutes using Hemi-Sync. SOLD! I dove in and Hemi-Sync transformed my life, in many unexpected ways.

Not only was I able to lower my blood pressure to below normal, I healed ALL my ailments to the point my doctor was in tears. I lost over 60 pounds, started two successful businesses, attracted everything I attempted to manifest and much more.

My beautiful wife and I opened a metaphysical meditation studio here in our little Florida beach town on 30A and we went hard engaging the phenomenon and experimenting with what is possible…and impossible.

In the process of all this mind bending esoteric experience, I cracked open my perception of reality and began looking behind the veil. I discovered that we are indeed more than our physical bodies and there is much more than this physical world.

You see, Hemi-Sync is not some special meditation program. It is specifically designed to alter your states of consciousness and it does so with startling ease and effectiveness.

I had been learning how to leave my body, astral project to other dimensions and have encounters with non-human intelligences. We had too many paranormal and UFO events to count.

I then began mapping the spirit world and creating models for how our physical world fits into the greater non-physical universe.

Needing to come down to earth a bit, I began to look for scientific validation to what I had been experiencing.

This led me to the likes of Tom Campbell, Donald Hoffman, Walter Russell, John Wheeler, Ian Stevenson, Dr. Michael Newton and Izhtak Bentov (among others).

Now I was able to balance out my woo-woo spiritual experiences with scientific principles and it was all beginning to make a lot of sense…

Then, in the summer of 2024 I had two experiences that delivered a lifetime of knowledge and understanding to me…both came via mysterious ways, but seemed destined.

I first ended up at the Integratron in the high desert of southern California, at a private event with Erick Rankin. He taught me all about Sonic Geometry and the Escape Room Theory.

Two weeks later, I was personally invited to a special week long training at the Monroe Institute. Literally a dream come true.

I learned:
Remote Viewing from Joe McMoneagle.

How to properly use my astral projection skills to navigate other dimensions with more precision and protection.

How to remote heal inside my body.

Advanced patterning/manifestation techniques.

Advanced out-of-body techniques.

How to use different focus levels to choose which level of consciousness to initiate.

How to cross ‘the bridge’ and communicate directly with past spirits and my higher self.

And so much more!

My experience there is nearly impossible to put in words, but had a profound impact on my being.

Now I was ready to create my own theory of ‘reality’…that I call Simulator Theory.

In a nutshell…

  • Consciousness is fundamental.
  • The Universe is a self development sandbox for Source.
  • Source partitions peices of itself off (souls) and they go out and have experiences.
  • That information is fed back up so Source can learn, grow and evolve.
  • A new node called ‘physical worlds’ were created as an enhanced learning experience.
  • In here, emotions are created via the severity of the mortal life.
  • Earth is one of these. A challenging one.
  • The non-physical ‘soul’ needs a physical avatar to enter into this physical simulator. That is the human body.
  • The soul is able to partition pieces of itself off to have repeated runs in the simulator.
    These are called lives, or incarnations.
  • Your oversoul, or higherself, is the collective of ALL of your past and current lives.
  • After this life, this piece of your soul will join the rest and a new partitioned piece will be sent down into the simulator.

The overall goal is threefold:

    1. Source evolves vicariously through our collective experiences.
    2. We become a defined individual consciousness and graduate to higher realms of consciousness.
    3. The physical body continues to evolve as well, leading to development of new technologies and colonizing of new physical worlds to establish as new learning simulators.
  • We are being monitored at all times, not only by our higher self, but by the teachers and principals of this earth school.
  • This is a test. This is an escape room.
  • There are clues hidden everywhere.
  • Nothing is what you have been told.
  • It is faaaaaaar more amazing.

I developed a course called SoulSync to help people audit their two parts…the body and soul, and discover what each part wants, needs and desires. This course brings harmony to your vessel and clarity to your what your purpose is.

I also offer one-on-one coaching for health, business and life.

I have a digital download ‘Manifestation Manual’ which is my simulator cheat codes.

I wrote an autobiographical guidebook called ‘Entrepreneurial Spirits’ – How to harness your spiritual toolbox to become a better entrepreneur.

I have a weekly newsletter I send out, so please join the rest of the #alivetribe by signing up below.

Lots more exciting stuff on the way!

Thanks for reading all that and for being here 🙂

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Send me an email or connect with me on social media.